3D ACADEMY Philippines English School in Cebu
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Name(Original) ※
Name (Eng)-Same as Passport ※
Nationality ※
Referrals name (If any)
Nickname(If any) ※
Gender ※
Birthdate ※
year month day
Occupation ※
Address ※
1.Postal Code 2.Detailed Address(English)
Email ※
Email (Confirmation) ※
Contact No
Starting Date ※
Studying Period (weekly basis) ※
—Please choose an option—123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748 Week (s)
Course Type ※
Practical ESLIntensive ESLPlatinum ESLTOEICIELTSTOEFLBusiness EnglishNative ESLPower Man-to-Man (1:1)English+GymSemi-SPARTAWorking Holidays SurvivalEnglish+Hotel Management
Room Type ※
—Please choose an option—Main Building SingleMain Building DoubleMain Building TripleMain Building QuadrupleMain Building Sextuple (6-persons shared)Premium Campus SinglePremium Campus DoublePremium Campus QuadruplePrestigio Hotel Single SuitePrestigio Hotel Twin SuiteTsai Hotel Single SuiteTsai Hotel Twin SuiteNo accommodation
English Proficiency Level ※
BeginnerHigh BeginnerLow IntermediateIntermediateHigh IntermediateAdvance
Do you have any experience studying abroad? ※
The purpose of studying (Multiple selection allowed) ※
Improve test scores(TOEIC/TOEFL/IELTS/other exams)Conversation skillsPreparation for further education abroadEmploymentLeisure and travelOthers (Please specify)
Special Request
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